Posts Tagged "antique furniture"

How to Fix a Broken Drawer Slide / Glide with Scotch Tape

March 12, 2016

So this is a problem we seem to have weekly at our Reclaimed Karma workshop.  We find the most beautiful antique piece of furniture with so much history, but then when it comes to the construction of the piece the drawers seem to always be a problem!  It never fails…the curse of the broken drawer slide hits us again!

Whether the drawers have Side-Mounts…




or Under-Mount glides…


They can always pose a problem when you are dealing with upcycling an old piece.  Lately, Chris and I seem to have the biggest problems with our antique pieces that normally are built with center-mount slides.  That is…until late the other night…when Chris stumbled upon a fool proof way to fix those pesky broken slides.  We decided to shot a quick youtube video breaking down how scotch tape has become our new best friend. 🙂

Hope our little discovery helps you as much as it’s helped us!

Creatively Yours….

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“Custom…Reclaimed…Restored. We do it all! Send us a note.”